PHONE: 0404789258
Flux - The Centre of Bio-PsychDesign
In relation to the most current events around our nation and the world we can see more than ever the effects of civilization on this planet. Humanity has almost pushed the planet to the point of no return, yet we continue to shut one’s eye to the loss and destruction that has occurred. As our planet evolves we must evolve with it. We have now become a part of our planet’s ecosystem. Where our planet depends on us as much as we depend on it.
The Centre of Bio Psych Design is a multidisciplinary facility new to Sydney’s foreshore’s which aims to create a dialogue between nature technology and the mind. It invites the community and visi-tors to explore the future sustainability of human environment relationships.
Whilst partaking on an emotive journey through reflection and reclamation, it seeks to educate and connect visitors on the pursuit to respond to these current issues within the 21st century.
The Centre of BPD unpacks these issues through a series of responsive architectural gestures and installations that have been designed to stimulate the mind as they transition through space. Emo-tive user data is collected throughout the journey and filtered back into the labs and used in new solutions of the future.