Yan Ma


Email: yanma008@gmail.com

Phone: 0435 505 136

Instagram: @YANMA008


Harmony is the original intention of my design. In my opinion, architecture not only needs to be integrated with local culture and nature, but also people themselves. The design should serve people of all ages. According to the 2016 Australian Census, the number of New South Wales families exceeds 1.94 millions, children are an integral part of many families. But another survey shows that population ageing is happening, in 2017, over 1 in 7 people were aged 65 and over in Australia, And this trend is still increasing year by year. How to make this a big family, with elders, children, and mutual integration, has become the starting point of my design.
With the development of global urbanization and intelligence, the pace of people’s life is gradually accelerating. There are fewer and fewer opportunities for face-to-face communication. Public spaces are mostly in private spaces and are not strictly open to everyone.

Through by my concept, In the future, La Perouse and Bare Island will be transformed into a vibrant field, a place for collaboration, open discussion and spontaneous meetings - a microcosm of a miniature city. Let the quality of the existing space guide our approach to architectural planning, which is designed to encourage exploration and exploration of new ideas, and ultimately to create a forward-thinking vision. This project is what I call “Forgather”.