Stephanie Austin



Phone: 0424 887 763

Instagram: @stephanieaustindesign_

‘c o m m u n - A L L’

‘c o m m u n - A L L’ Mental Wellness Centre at the International La Perouse Precinct (ILPP) is grounded upon the Aboriginal understanding of health; to be holistic and communal.

The proposal correlates with the brief through the inclusion of a Wayfinding Centre, Mental Wellbeing Centre, 24/7 Safe Space, Earth to Table Restaurant and Museum of the Brain exploring each of the human senses that ultimately affect how we think, feel and live within the boundaries of space.

The sites spatial layout from a macro to micro scale is founded upon research findings that directly relate to architectural healing and wellness. In addition, research has been drawn from architectural studies of existing psychiatrist facilities worldwide and translated through a number of considerations, methodologies and motifs.

‘c o m m u n - A L L’ aims to provide education and awareness to those that come across it. By breaking down the stigma related to mental health and exploring built forms relevant to the future treatment of mental health through a different lens on a global scale.

#breaktheSTIGMA #communALL #CONNECTedness #pathwaytoWELLBEING