Monique Robinson
Phone: 0432 290 498
Instagram: @moniqueoliviarobinson
The interpretation and conceptualisation of TableTop is centred around the way we perceive food. It is a deconstruction of consumption from start to finish, from farm to table. It explores the notion of food as a universal language, utilising food in all of its processes; HUNTING, GATHERING, PREPARING, COOKING, DISPLAYING, CONSUMING to form community and create awareness.
The architectural design intent of Tabletop stems from the notion of the processes of consuming, through an exploration of the forms, textures and tones of food.
These distinctive attributes are directly reflected in the newly proposed architectural configurations throughout the site.
A circular approach within the design has been taken that aims to explore food in a multifaceted way. From food in its most basic, raw, natural state to processed and pre-packaged food.
The functionality of each space enhances this notion by informative and immersive experiences that explore the practices of food. From traditional food practice relative to the site, to non-conventional, abstract practice that questions the way in which we perceive food.
#tabletop #food #taste