Maral Madanimelak



Phone: 0434 960 442

Instagram: @melak_design


“Phenomenology: Stimulation of Sensorial Design Experience in Contemporary Museum Spaces of the 21st Century”


CO-CREATE is a Cultural Civic Centre of the Arts, with the underlying aim to bring people together, to live more creative and connected lives and build thriving communities. Art forms the architectural language and interior gestures of La Perouse. The Watchtower becomes a centre of connection upon arrival, instigating curiosity and wonder. The Community Art Library is about recreating the conditions and factors that allow for the community to experience not just the object of art, but the creative process involved in the making. Encouraging a 24h system of creativity which focuses on forming and deforming the historical image of the site, imprinting ideas and crafting art instillations for the public to receive and explore. The Sense Restaurant provides the cultural experience of hunting and gathering food by displaying artworks by French and Aboriginal artists. The Museum of Creative Expression aims to inspire and stimulate our consciousness through direct experience in space. Creating a place for local and international audiences to interact with contemporary Australian art, and each other. Through the medium of art, we begin to relate to each to each other better, to recognise the cultural history of this land and value the ongoing, rich cultural legacy of this place we call home.

#Create #Evoke #Stimulate