Lara Coleman



Phone: 0477 419 300

Instagram: @lcintarch


“Death Redesigned: The Non-Linear Evolution of the Crematorium in Western Europe, from Utilitarian Space to Human-Centred Design”

The Rite

The rite explores notions of ritual- from rituals associated with welcome and feasting to rituals exploring death. The precinct focuses on the transition, through liminal space from a pre to post ritual identity. Through harnessing the magic, meaning and value of rituals the site creates a dramatic slowness, appreciation and celebration of even the mundane.

The site and its immediate surroundings hold great significance in terms of, simply put, life and death. Only a short distance from the headland was once a highly sacred Indigenous birthing site as well as proposals for Sydney’s first Indigenous cemetery. This cyclic frequency will be reimbued back into the site, taking its place to help our ability in seeing greatness in small things.