Kiara Carroll



Phone: 0400141404

Instagram: kiaraalicecarrolldesign


Sensorium is a proposed civic centre for Goat Island (Me-Mel) - the island at the heart of Sydney Harbour. The redevelopment of the site encapsulates the underlying superficiality of our image-based culture, endemic since the rise of digital media. The design takes note of the ways in which we, as humans, interact with, experience and understand the space around us. The civic centre is a series of typologies that force exposure to external stimuli, devoid of visual dominance. By highlighting Sydney Harbour’s nautical history through architectural gesture, and the final immersive space in the form of a haptic natatorium the design has incorporated Australia’s esoteric relationship to water. Sensorium is an extension of our public spaces with an inextricable link to all those who live within the public realm.
