Kelly Preston
Phone: 0450 317 427
Instagram: @kellympreston
Common Grounds
An amalgam of tradition and modernity. An integration of past and present. An incorporation of natural and manufactured. Common Grounds is an allegory for unification, whether ideas, culture, society, or philosophical; a destination that juxtaposes a contemporary edifice with natural design and materials. A place to escape post-modernity, whilst enjoying the fruits of evolution and benefiting from the reverence and importance of history. An ode to the traditional owners of the land, Common Grounds pays homage to our indigenous forbearers, their mastery of subsistence, and symbiotic relationship with nature.
Growth, peace, nourishment and enlightenment are the theological underpinnings that parallel the structural fundamentals of Common Grounds. A place to learn about others and self, to be social or to find peaceful solitude, the site offers respite from the manufactured rigidity of life, whilst empowering social and environmental responsibility. At Common Grounds, mutuality can be realised in an inclusive, motivating, welcoming hub inspired by its history and surroundings; a study in symbiosis.
#community #explore #immerse