Julia Prell
Email: julia.prell@gmail.com
Phone: 0466259706
Soundscape addresses the issues faced by the Sydney music industry of the rapid decline of live music venues due to strict venue lockout and noise reduction laws. Soundscape situates Goat Island as a central haven dedicated to the performance of music as well as fostering a thriving hub of exploration and education. Dedicating the island to music and performance, Soundscape aims to invigorate the once forgotten maritime island and connect creative people to bring to life the otherwise underused island.
Using architectural intervention and manipulation of old and existing structures, Goat Island is transformed into centre for music creation and education. Including musical activities beyond just performance such as broadcasting and recording, the sphere of influence of Soundscape is pushed beyond the shores of Goat Island and reaches others in order to combat the loss of Sydney’s musical centre.
#Arts #Phenomenology