Jose Siccion



Phone: 0426 988 985

Instagram: jose.siccion


“Case study: of the prevalence of adaptive reuse within Sydney’s Heritage Buildings”


"Tidal" is a project that aims to raise awareness about the coastal upkeep and situation of the La Perouse coast and extensively Sydney's. To create this awareness ,an architectural experience is created across the entire site. The experience is based of the concept of being submerged and rising to the surface of the sea. To create this sense of submersion and surfacing architectural forms of compression and release are applied onto the site. Areas are compressed to create a sense of submersion and being below the sea level, while released and open forms create a sense of surfacing and rising from being submerged. Through experiencing the journey visitors are given a foreboding feeling of what the coast could be like if its upkeep and safeguarding are not given consideration.

#Loss #Awe #Awareness