Jessica Liu



Phone: 0410 613 621

Instagram: @g1soc


Badalya is a Food & Culture Precinct to bring all stakeholders, communities and the national audience together to one area where experiences can be shared via the act of celebrating food culture and the context behind local Indigenous food sources.

The aspiring result from this is the goal to mainly give back to the Aboriginal community by providing upskilling and business opportunities, as well as programs to revive Aboriginal food culture and history through teachings and workshops. The Precinct also acts as a sanctuary for food appreciation through the senses. The proposed programs incorporates the five senses of the human body into the locations/buildings each program is assigned to.

The moods of each space has been decided through five key stages, which guides you on a journey towards realisation and appreciation. And so, through the revitalisation of this precinct via the celebration of food, this proposal aims to bring back a continued appreciation and acknowledgement of Aboriginal culture.

#Aboriginal #Food #Culture