Hannah Megahad
Email: hannah.megahed@gmail.com
Phone: 0426 944 656
Instagram: @hannahmegg
As of today we will need 1.8 planets to provide enough resources to sustain our current rate of consumption as well as absorb the waste humanity is generating. Yet despite the multitude of scientific evidence that confirms humanity’s detrimental impact on the planet, our capitalist political climate has driven notions of deniability into the minds of the public. Australia has the the 3rd largest percentage of human induced climate change deniers. Thus, NOPLANETB was born out of the necessity to disable this notion of deniability and aim to provoke action.
La Perouse is a coastal community dominated by it’s vast landscape and is situated at the intersection of multiple future climate change projections that could occur as early as 2050. This includes the threat of sea level rise, erosion of vital coastal dunescapes, a loss of biodiversity that is deeply rooted in the historic identity of Botany Bay, all of which is exacerbated by the high levels of carbon emissions from the nearby airport and industrial zone.
NOPLANETB seeks to educate and inform visitors about each of these projected climactic issues through a series of dynamic installations that have a direct relationship to real time environmental data. Through creating physical and tangible experiences that animate this numeric data an emotional and visceral response is evoked. However, the perpetually accumulating live data that drives the dynamism of each space creates a quantifiable experience that reminds the visitor that time is running out.