Emily Capel


Email: emilyccapel@gmail.com

Phone: 0422705568


Sydney Cultural Centre for Death

The infrastructure and attitudes towards death has changed drastically over time and are not aligned to the culture of a 21st century city; death is currently shrouded in mystery and whispers, causing unease and discomfort around the subject.

The Sydney Cultural Centre for Death proposed for Sydney’s Goat Island is created in response to the evolving sociocultural conditions of a city that is becoming increasingly secular and multi-cultural - the centre seeks to cater to all diverse groups in the community to create unity through the shared realities of death; experiences, expressions and rituals.

When faced with death, there exists a need within humankind for ritual and practice, which are attempts to relate to the experience and find meaning within it. Various flexible spaces for death processes, ceremonies and ritualistic practice underpin and define the circulation of the site, and aim to remove the veil surrounding death in contemporary society.
