Daniella Oberstein


Email: daniella.oberstein@hotmail.com

Phone: 0431 739 489

Instagram: @danioberstein


Contextualised by a world riddled with racial and cultural animosity ‘Transfer’ proposes an environment built on the notion of social sustainability and cultural unity. Including a multi-facet program of educational, creative and social zones ‘Transfer’ will unite the culturally astray to build on the inherent multi-cultural identity of La Perouse.
The manipulation of colour, pattern, light and volume will narrate and uncover the layered, dichotomic civic and urban history of La Perouse. Through this understanding of the past, the vision of unity will be heightened encouraging the multi-cultural community to bond over communal events, knowledge exchange and social engagement – the contemporary Australian Identity.
Through respectable adaptable re-use the core elements of the existing urban structures will be intertwined with the fluidity and malleability of contemporary Australia. In constant communication with the natural landscape these new forms will playfully mimic the notions of the existing contours, referencing the adaptable, inclusive contemporary community within.

#Journey #Multi-cultural #Education


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