Dalena Pham
Email: dalenapham21@gmail.com
Phone: 0423 212 004
Instagram: @dalenalicious
“Architecture articulates the experiences of being-in-the-world and strengthens our sense of realist and self; it does not make us inhabit worlds of mere fabrication and fantasy. The sense of self, strengthened by art and architecture, allows us to engage fully in the mental dimensions of dream, imagination and desire” Juhani Pallasma
The Pythagoreans were the first to declare that the eyes and ears are boundaries that intersect exclusively, with architecture being famously known as “frozen music”. Reviving La Perouse to transform into a soundscape that aims to bring the societal norms in recognition of disappearing musical cultures, DUENDE is a collaboration that aims to amplify our sensual qualities and articulate an experience of the interaction between the beholder and the spaces that we inhabit.
It is a proposal for inhabiting a sonic space that aims to create awareness for the broad range of musical cultures especially Indigenous music, by introducing spaces for aspiring performers, users to gain knowledge on 21st century development of sound and experiential spaces that are to be heard rather than seen.
These capacities allow us to envelop our mind and experience ourselves as more than just beings but to also realise the importance and potential of sound as a whole that goes beyond an aural experience.
#hearatlaperouse #tastethesound #thesoundoflaperouse