Christian Dan Cuthbert
Phone: 0458 273 434
“Identity in Architecture”
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Australia has a rich history of technological innovation, but
also a broken history, one which is continuously being healed,
between the communities who claim ownership to the land
(Europeans, French and Aboriginals).
This brief proposes that these elements should be brought
together through a cultural hub that has a digital innovation
makerspace extension with each culture architecturally expressed to
emphasise their cultural individually. This technological
concept is future focused with a vision of a culturally accepting Australia
that is at forefront of technological innovation.
The digital makerspace will use new and emerging technology to provide
specialists and artisans sitting a residency program with the ability to
engage the visitors through the use of this technology, with part of the
residency program designed to create new technology or repurpose old
technology. Similarly, the community garden engages the visitors in a
new kind of farming experience through their interaction with the vertical
farming that also provides native fruit and vegetables to the onsite
restaurant. This overall technological concept seeks to inspire, engage and
enlighten to create new technology with a culturally knowledgeable society. ARCHITECTURE Further Objectives
Improve Circulation | Keep Heritage | Increase accessibility |
Prevention of natural elements | Promote views and community
#Futuretechnology #Culturalhub #Futuresydney