Blanka Adelia Jukanto



Phone: 0423 391 236

Instagram: @blankaadellaj

"Promenade Cérémonielle"

In a time and place where the world changes so rapidly, and instant gratification is strived for in every aspect of society, La Perouse is now
Promenade Ceremonielle.

Literally translating from French as “ceremonial walkabout”, La Perouse becomes a refuge, bringing back the notions of aboriginal spirituality into the site translated through contemporary European-inspired forms.

Promenade Ceremonielle aims to be a place that appreciates the ways of the past, a place of solace, with undertones informed by elements of sacred architecture. The intent of the spatial atmosphere is to create a heterotopia, a place of otherness where time flows differently, created though intricate paths, intimate moments, and gradual immersions to facilitate the experiential journey.