Aishi Liu



Phone: 0424 889 520

Instagram: @ixyyyy


Inspired by the creative repurposing history of the
site and Sydney government’s long-term vision for
Sydney which is to develop Sydney into a creative
city, I want to develop the site into a UPCYCLING
AND CREATIVITY centre. In order to provide more
specific service and increase this Centre's influenc-
es to the society, I have done some further research
about clothing and food waste and I found these t-
wo industries both have huge Negative impacts on
the environment , therefore, the “longevity of site”
has been extent to the “longevity of human civiliza-

The design intent is to create a feeling of being en-
tangled by waste, and it offers a journey of from be-
ing “gradually being trapped ” to “escape from the
trap”. This transformation metaphors people initially
rarely understand the importance of upcycling and
they are trapped by the waste they throw away every-
day. As they are getting more understanding about
upcycling through the journey and they will end up
being able to make effort to the environment and e-
scape from the waste barrier.

#Fashion #Innovation #Discovery