A marketplace of cultural performance, showcasing history for individuals to reconnect and resense.
Rewired will transform White Bay Power Station to accomplish the bays precinct 2025 plan for a competitive destination co-locating business, education and technology.
The existing station will morph into a 21st century marketplace of sensorial touch points, encouraging cultural expression via the sites history. The brain will recognise its need to initiate in the Neural Plastic process to rid displacement of the pandemic, resense and effectively culturally perform in the complex contemporary conditions of Rozelle.
Rewired brings forth a hybrid realm between ancient and current technological modes of interaction due to the pandemic. It is a model of how to reactivate community and move forwards as people in a 21st century city affected but such isolation. Physical movement and technological touch points will fast track ones neural impulses to resense and reconnect to their community; becoming whole again. Individuals will better cognitively belong to place and culturally connect, thus propelling White Bay Power Station as a world class facility that rewires the mental and physical re-sensing of humans through place.