My project name is regeneration. The concept is to restore White Bay Power Station through culture and creativity to media art community centre. When I did my research of this site, what stood out to me most was the height, the emptiness, and the huge glazing window that could be the focal point of the building. I thought it could be the screen for performances and movies, and I wanted audiences to have the best views of it. So, I added spectator seats in the middle with new circulation and levels, and I rearranged the rooftop space.
Transparent/semitransparent glass pool at rooftop can see through the lights in performance space. Different scales of bubbles are inlaid in the ceiling, under the ceiling is the lighting system for performance space, and above the ceiling, that is on the rooftop is the Spherical cinemas/venue. Lights of the cinemas will come through and reflect on the water like moons and planets. The audiences at the performance space will see it as well.
When I make any design decision no matter how small it is, detailed it is, including the material, finish, fixing, or even a small corner, there can be a good reason behind it. But all these small decisions need to be put in a big picture. A piece of furniture does not stand by itself, but a physical and cultural relationship with its environment was established by a number of pieces clustered together. In some cases, objects can ring a strong concept and all the pieces together complete a whole story… I would like to try to use my architecture and furniture to tell a story or make it like a scene from a movie.
IG: @leinaflove
https://youtu.be/5dKwUOIReHw (WALKTHROUGH)
https://youtu.be/Ur4_Amb11r4 (EXHIBITION PRESENTATION)