THE CARRIER is an innovative learning center that explores new learning mindset to enhance social connectivity and self-awareness to address the ongoing issue of increasing social isolation and lack of self-fulfillment impacted by Covid-19. Inspired by the original tubular machinery in the WBPS, the idea is to use ‘tubes’ to carry the narratives with adaptive reuse in mind. The five key learning stages are:

01 - Skeleton Entryway - Trigger

It aims to break the boundary between interior and exterior through inviting entry form, triggering reflective interpretation of past and future, meanwhile, introducing its new life.

02 - Tunnel Circulation - Launch

It is proposed to launch diverse user behavior, social connection, as well as collaboration of body and mind. It is a place to talk, observe, meet, stopover.

03 - Heritage Exhibition - Recognition

It is supported by spatial ambiguous, stage-like journey to tell past, present and future, which explores shifting learning mindset and create community connection through history interpretation.

04 - Engine Library - Recovery

It includes dynamic, guided, free flowing learning experience to enhance conscious knowledge absorption through adaptive reuse of coal hopper.

05 - Memory Bookshop - Prospect

It encourages shared learning and positive exchange for individuals in the long term.

W: https://jiayicheng.wixsite.com/wbps

IG: @cj1_design


